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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rainy Queensland - Land Of Extremes

When I visited Chinchilla in 2006, and looked into the nearly-dry Condamine River, I was horrified what a wreck the epic drought had made of the place. Even by riches-to-ruin Australian standards, things were in a very, very bad way.

Times change:
THE state's southeast is escaping the worst of the wet weather, though it looks like the strong summer rains may see out the school holidays.

The gloomy forecast came as residents in Emerald, Bundaberg, Chinchilla and Rockhampton faced rapidly rising rivers, with 1000 people already forced from their homes.

...The strong La Nina system responsible for the deluge will be around for the rest of the summer, he said.

..."This is a very significant event, with many areas already experiencing record floods or near-record floods," Emergency Management Queensland boss Bruce Grady said.

...Central Highlands Mayor Peter Maguire said Rolleston was experiencing the worst flood in its history, while Emerald was bracing for a repeat of the devastating 2008 floods.

Chinchilla is not out of danger either, with flood levels set to worsen. The Western Downs Regional Council expects up to 400 people - 10 per cent of Chinchilla's population - will be affected in the next two days as the deluge moves down the Condamine River and Charleys Creek system.

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