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Monday, December 06, 2010

Mazatlan - The Mangrove Swamp

Tour Guide Hernando explains the swamp.

Tide was nearly at its low point.

Birds that I saw that I could (more-or-less) identify:

  • Magnificent Frigatebird;
  • Great Egret;
  • Little Blue Heron;
  • Brown Pelican;
  • Yellow-Crowned Night Heron;
  • White Ibis;
  • Osprey;
  • American Oystercatcher;
  • Whimbrel;
  • Turkey Vulture;
  • plus a variety of Sandpipers.

White Ibis among the mangrove roots.

Yellow-Crowned Night Heron.

Immature Yellow-Crowned Night Heron.

Herons on a crabby sand bar.

Little Blue Heron.


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