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Saturday, December 04, 2010

First Evening

My cabin mate on this cruise was John Ettensohn, father of the groom. John is currently a Roman Catholic priest of the Oblate Order, and lives in Indianapolis, IN. As it turned out, John and I had similar temperaments, and I think we were ideal roommates.

On the first evening, after dinner in the Lido Buffet, John and I took in the show in the Princess Theater, featuring James Michael (The Bad Boy of Magic), plus the Sapphire Princess Dancers & Guest Vocalists. Afterwards, we had a dinner/snack, and retired for the evening.

Well, John retired for the evening. As he fell asleep, I lay awake and grew conscious of a growing burning distress in my abdomen. What could it be? The effects of bad food perhaps? Who knew?

In the early morning hours, the intense intestinal eruption started. Worried about waking John and unable to sleep, I left the cabin and began wandering the entire ship, a specter without rest. As the hours passed, the rampaging sickness increasingly sapped my strength. Near dawn, I returned to the cabin, exhausted, and fell into fitful sleep.

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