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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Face Gets It

Hugh Jackman gets distracted:
Live television showed Jackman sliding down a cable from the top of the Sydney Opera House towards a giant outdoor stage, but he failed to stop, crashing into the stage's light rigging and hurting his face.

"That was so much fun, until the end," joked Jackman, famed for his tough Wolverine role.

Jackman, later sporting a small bandage under his eye, told Winfrey that the excitement of sliding down the cable caused him to brake too late.

"I came down waving to everyone, looking over Sydney Harbour, saw my dad, the kids and you (Winfrey), went to pull the brake and then boing," he said.
Plus, the perils of no rehearsal:
[Usher] brought an ecstatic female fan onstage for a serenade of his sensual song "Trading Places" at Madison Square Garden. He sat her on a couch while he caressed her.

Then, after they changed positions, the overexcited fan tried to move her leg to get closer to him. Her stiletto boot heel knocked him in the nose.

The fan tried to smooth things over by massaging Usher's face, but there was no need: Usher wasn't hurt and cracked a joke about it.

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