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Friday, December 10, 2010

December 10th In History

Over at the Daily Rotten, they have a sidebar that commemorates the particular day in history. Today, they offer:
December 10, 1993: Adolf Hitler is baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in a ceremony performed inside their London temple. Mormons use this strange retroactive baptismal ritual to ensure ancestors or other relatives may join them in heaven.
When I was working on my mom's genealogy, I sent the first, 1993 version to the LDS folks in Salt Lake City, but got cold feet about sending the 2003 update. I mean, do I really want to be in Mormon heaven? Actually, it's probably inevitable that I'll go there anyway, if not by my own hand, then by someone else's. I don't really mind going to Mormon heaven, provided I don't have to stay there all the time, and can wander around and see what's going on elsewhere.

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