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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Wait, I Prize My Uselessness!

There is some sort of backlash developing in Britain. I hope it doesn't come here, because my defunctness and general redundancy will be only too obvious:
TELEVISION host James May has hit out at a "useless" new generation of men - describing them as "morons" who do not know how to iron a shirt or put up a shelf.

..."I keep reading women are better at school and now better at parking, better at navigating. We are sort of laughing at it going, 'Ho ho ho, I'm just a bloke', but really in my lifetime men only will be required to keep sperm at operating temperature and they will have no other function."

...He said: "The decline of practical skills, some of them very day-to-day, among a generation of British men is very worrying - they can't put up a shelf, wire a plug, countersink a screw, iron a shirt.

"They believe it is endearing and cute to be useless whereas I think it's boring and everyone's getting sick of it."

...He blamed the move away from old-fashioned masculinity partly on 'lads magazines' such as Zoo, Nuts and Loaded, and said it was a shame that traditional male hobbies were now seen as unfashionable.

He said: "There's this idea that men aren't allowed to be interested in these things as it is a bit sad or a bit weird.

"But enthusiasms are good. Hobbies are healthy. They don't harm anybody.

"It's the people who don't have them that end up going mad and shooting people."

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