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Friday, November 26, 2010

It's So Quiet Here At The Airport

Maybe it's the calm after the storm, but everything is copacetic here at SMF. I was hoping someone - anyone - TSA agents, too - would touch my junk at the security check (for blogging material, of course) but, not for the first time, no one seems the slightest bit interested. This may have been the easiest security check in EVER!

It's fun sitting here watching the two massage technicians work the muscles of two tired travellers, who have their faces planted down on the specially-made comfy chairs, and thus can't see. The technicians are carrying on a conversation with each other entirely by lip reading, and head rolling semaphore, so as not to trouble their clients.

Favorite announcement: "Will the flight attendant who left the book 'How To Improve Your Memory' on the counter at Gate 15 please return to the counter to claim it?"

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