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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Harry Reid Fights Off Sharron Angle

Josh Marshall says it best:
The Dems have a small moral victory with the Reid win in Nevada, in the context of a pretty rough night. But, man, you've got to step back and just recognize what an amazing victory this was for Harry Reid. I mean, the economy is close to the worst in the nation. Reid was amazingly unpopular. There was a point about a year ago when I figured he'd probably pull a Dodd and just pack it in. And the polls at the end showed Angle opening a small but clear lead. And really, it's not even close. There was enough shoe leather in this win for like a hundred shoes. I don't know how else to put it.
For myself, I found it hard to imagine that Reid could lose. All those people in Las Vegas that he single-handedly lifted into the middle class over the years! And they are still there, and they vote! But things are difficult in Nevada these days, and the opportunity was there for a good candidate.

As the New Yorker profile indicated, Reid systematically dealt with and disposed of all his most-viable Republican opponents before the campaign season began, but unlike ham-handed Governor Grey Davis' intrusion into the California Republican gubernatorial primary in 2002, Reid did it in such a way as to not provoke a firestorm of opposition, leaving the Republican nomination to whomever was left behind. Entering stage right from the howling wilderness of the Nevada desert, Sharron Angle wasn't quite the person to mount a successful challenge, even with the political winds behind her back.

Harry Reid is an amazing guy! Next time I pass through the little town of Searchlight, Nevada, I will burn some incense in his name!

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