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Sunday, November 07, 2010

Gabe Is Aghast

Last week here at work, I approached Gabe to say something, and he recoiled.

"Oh, that's just awful," he said. I replied: "What's awful?" With a grimace he said: "Your shirt!"

"Oh, this is one of the shirts I inherited from my father," I replied. "I rather like the turquoise color. It reminds me of New Mexico."

Gabe replied: "Maybe that explains it - it fairly screams 'old man'! It hurts the eyes! That color!"

I dunno. I rather like it, but if I have trangressed against the clothing gods (and it's so easy for a geek like me to do) then I must make amends. It's time - yes, it's past time - to go to the mall!

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