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Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Bundle Of - Not Joy, Exactly, But....

The alley behind my house sports heavy traffic from the homeless, and the merely thrifty, as they plunder the recycling containers, 24/7. So, it was no surprise that I found a bundle of folders last night in the alley, dropped in haste, or by accident, by some nocturnal garbage picker.

In the better light of morning, I took a closer look at these folders. The covers of these school folders feature several examples of artwork extolling the virtues of abstinence as a way of controlling teen pregnancy.

I believe in serendipity, and the chance appearance of these folders is making me wonder if God thinks I should be in the business of preaching teen abstinence. If so, God has an unusual sense of humor, but who am I to know his intentions?

I wonder what I should do with these folders? They are still in the alley, waiting the next serendipitous event.

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