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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bristol Palin, And All

I can't believe I don't have an opinion about Bristol Palin on 'Dancing With The Stars', but it's only because I haven't been watching (my blessed state of no TV). She might be a good dancer; she might not be a good dancer; I don't know. Ballroom dancing is a strange sport/art.

Nevertheless, it's only fair to point out that she probably has a large corps of supporters, and that corps may be motivated as much by politics as by dancing. So what else is new? Ever been to a major ballroom dance competition? It's a hoot!:
"Let the conspiracy theories begin!" said Wall Street Journal's Speakeasy blog.

"After Tuesday night, it should be plainly obvious to anyone even barely paying attention to the 11th season that ABC and 'Dancing With the Stars' have -- for want of a better phrase -- a 'Bristol problem,'" wrote Verne Gay in Newsday.

Jimmy Kimmel called Brandy the latest victim of "Hurricane Bristol" and suggested "an organized Tea Party voting bloc" was behind Brandy's elimination when the ousted singer and her partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy appeared on "Jimmy Kimmel Live."

Perhaps the most violent reaction came from a 67-year-old Wisconsin man, who had a standoff with authorities and was charged with second-degree reckless endangerment when he reportedly shot his television after Bristol Palin's performance, citing that "he didn’t think she was a good dancer."

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