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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Swinging With The Capital Swing Dancers

"Let's go dancing!" C.T. said, and I thought this sounded like an eminently sensible suggestion.

The Capital Swing Dancers were having their monthly dance Saturday night at the Fair Oaks Community Center. These folks are the creme de la creme of West Coast Swing dancers in the Sacramento area. Not having done this much in at least seven years, I was quite rusty, and didn't approach their level. Nevertheless, it was great fun. C.T. moved with great fluidity and skill. I even recognized two other dancers there (particularly well-known local dance pro, Jeffrey Munson).

Afterwards, Lyons at 30th & J. It's a well-known, post-show hangout for the theater crowd, and I wasn't disappointed: I saw post-Camelot Jeffrey Lloyd Heatherly amongst the nighttime diners.

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