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Friday, October 08, 2010

Obama = Reagan

Gabe uses a reasonable article describing similarities between the presidencies of Obama and Reagan as an occasion for partisan sniping. I snipe back:
Sound familiar? It should, because in terms of public perception, Mr. Obama’s presidency most closely resembles the Gipper’s. If you don’t believe me, then take a look at the numbers put together by the usually reliable pollster.com. Their research reveals that in terms of national opinion polling, Obama is not only tracking on the same general trajectory as Reagan, but in a month-to-month analysis, their numbers are in almost perfect synch. Though Reagan’s disapproval rating was actually two points lower than Obama’s at the same point in his presidency, his approval rating was almost four points lower than Obama’s.
Gabe: It seems as if all Jesuits love O-BAM-A.

Marc: All quite reasonable, but this time there doesn't seem to be the same urgency to engage in deficit spending (as there was with Reagan's defense buildup). So, history may not play out the same way.

Gabe: But, but, we all must worship the One. It must happen. It must!

Marc: We did. His name was Ronald.

Gabe: So, you worshipped him, too???

Marc: I stuck needles in my Gipper doll.

Gabe: That’s why he came out shining like a silver dollar.

Marc: It's true, zinc does not rust, and shines, no matter how dirty it is.

Gabe: Marc Valdez, the ZINC King!

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