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Friday, October 01, 2010

Nasty Campaign, Utah Style

Californians probably wish things were this nasty here:
A visibly exasperated Gov. Gary Herbert accused Democratic challenger Peter Corroon of twisting facts and disparaging his integrity by suggesting that big donors got special treatment from the Herbert administration.

“There you go again, Peter,” Hebert said. “These accusations are absolutely false. The accusations you’re making impugn the integrity not only of the governor, but of many businesspeople, volunteers, state legislators, with accusations that have no basis in fact.”

Specifically, Herbert took issue with Corroon questioning whether $87,500 in contributions from a group of contractors garnered them meetings in the Governor’s Office and affected the outcome of a $1.1 billion contract to rebuild 24 miles of Interstate 15.

“I’m not questioning anyone’s integrity. I’m questioning your judgment and leadership on this issue,” Corroon said. “They’re using the Governor’s Office for campaign purposes. That’s wrong. That’s dead wrong.”

Herbert appeared aggravated at times during the debate, sponsored by KUTV and The Salt Lake Tribune. His hands gestured emphatically, driving home his points, and he shook his head with disgust.

Twice during the half-hour debate, he slapped his knees with both hands out of frustration as Corroon again questioned the I-15 bid.

Herbert said the winning bidder would build more roads in a shorter time frame and that winning the contract had nothing to do with the donations from the winning members.

Herbert also said Corroon hadn’t taken him up on his offer to review any of the material related to the I-15 bid.

“Peter Corroon won’t take the time to go get the rest of the facts because he’s not interested in the facts. This is all about political posturing,” Herbert said.

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