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Friday, October 29, 2010

My Voting Predispositions

Here is what I'm thinking about for the upcoming Election Day. Be sure to vote this coming Tuesday! Elections are decided by those who turn out to vote!

As evident below, I'm virtually a straight-ticket Democrat:

Governor: Jerry Brown (Dem)
Lt. Governor: Either Gavin Newsom (Dem) or C.T. Weber (P&F: met Weber in 2003; liked him)
Secty of State: Debra Bowen (Dem)
Controller: John Chiang (Dem)
Treasurer: Bill Lockyer (Dem)
Atty General: Kamala Harris (Dem)
Insurance Comm.: Dave Jones (Dem)
State Board of Equaliz., Dist. 2: Chris Parker (Dem)
U.S. Senator: Barbara Boxer (Dem)
Congress. Dist. 5: Either Doris Matsui (Dem) or Gerald Frink (P&F: we need more boas)
State Senator Dist. 6: Darrell Steinberg (Dem)
Assembly Dist. 9: Probably Roger Dickinson (Dem)
Retain all judges.

State Super. of Public Instruction: (uncertain)

Regarding local Sacramento races:

School Board, Area 1: Ellyne Bell, all the way!

Sheriff: Both candidates edge into corruption - I'm hoping Scott Jones is the lesser of evils.

City Council, Dist. 5: Very hard to decide: both candidates are competent. I like Jay Schenirer, but I'm wary about connections with Mayor Kevin Johnson, and teacher union opposition. At the March 20th public forum, Patrick Kennedy responded to my question about utility rates in a smart-ass way, but Kennedy's campaign has been the most vigorous. So, a hard choice coming up!

SMUD Ward 4: Genevieve Shiroma.


Prop. 19: (Dems: no position) I'm waffling on this. I suppose I need a bong hit first to ease the decision-making process about legalized marijuana. Maybe some brownies too.
Prop. 20: No. Transfer of redistricting authority is premature.
Prop. 21: Yes. Support State Parks!
Prop. 22: Uncertain. Local control is long-overdue, and best, but I'm worried about the status of redevelopment agencies.
Prop. 23: No. The employment threshold for allowing AB32 to proceed is absurdly high. We need to start trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Prop. 24: Yes. No shielded tax liabilities.
Prop. 25: Yes! A 2/3 requirement for passing a budget is undemocratic, and corrupting. I just wish a simple majority extended to tax increases too.
Prop. 26: No. These fees are important societal safeguards.
Prop. 27: No. Democratic Party urges a 'Yes', but I say 'No'. Keep redistricting as far from meddling politicians as possible!

Measure B: My big crusade. Yes! Cap out-of-control Sacramento utility rate increases!
Measure C: Yes. Marijuana business taxes need to be ready should Prop. 19 pass.

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