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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Don't Vote

Here is an English translation of a video currently running on Latino television in Nevada. Wow!

To explain the obvious, if you vote, you have a voice, however small, in determining how your interests will be served. You may not always get your way; you may even seldom get your way, but at least you have a voice. Politicians watch with the greatest interest to see who votes, and carefully tailor their behavior based on that information. If you do not vote, however, you get no voice at all, and your interests can be safely ignored. And believe me, your interests WILL be ignored!

(The ad is the work of Robert Desposada, a Republican political consultant and Univision pundit.)

[UPDATE: And the ad is swiftly withdrawn!:
A Republican-backed ad campaign urging Hispanics not to vote next month has been yanked by a radio station following a protest led by Nevada Democrats.

Univision told The Associated Press on Tuesday the spot was pulled from its Las Vegas Spanish-language radio station Tuesday shortly after its debut.

Univision also says it will not run a companion ad on its Spanish-language TV broadcasting network and will continue to encourage Hispanics to vote.

The Republican group Latinos for Reform had planned to run the commercials in Nevada, Florida, California, Texas and Colorado.

Founder Robert de Posada says Democrats promised immigration reform to Hispanics to get elected in 2008, then ignored the issue. He says Hispanics should punish both political parties by sitting out the election.
Pointing out to Mr. de Posada the obvious: If all Latinos don't vote, it doesn't punish the political parties one little bit. The politicians understand the message. No participation just means that Latinos will have no say whatsoever in establishing the policies aimed directly at them. Political eunuchs get no say. Zeroes get no say. No say AT ALL! Is that clear? ]

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