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Friday, October 01, 2010

Dog Can't Tell The Difference

A thin line distinguishes reality from fantasy:
A NINE-YEAR-OLD girl had her top lip bitten off when she was mauled by a dog which flew into a rage after hearing barks from a computer game.

Little Megan Walker was dragged off a sofa by a Bull Mastiff named Saracen while she was playing on the Nintendogs game while staying at a friend’s house in Westland Avenue, Farnworth.

The dog then went for Megan’s face, biting her in several places and tearing off her top lip.

Megan was taken by ambulance to Manchester Children’s Hospital where doctors managed to re-attach the lip after it was rushed to the hospital by police officers who had put it on ice.

Saracen, a Bull Mastiff and Boxer cross breed, has since been put down after its owner, Deborah Melville, signed the dog over to police for destruction.

...Megan, a St James’ Primary School pupil, said: “When I woke up I turned on the Nintendo. It barked and Saracen dragged me off the couch by my foot. I was scared.”

...Megan was in surgery for two hours and spent five days in hospital. It is hoped that her lip will heal, although doctors will have a better idea when they take her bandage off tomorrow.

Mrs Taylor said: “Hopefully the surgery has worked or she could have to have more plastic surgery down the line. She’s been so brave.

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