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Sunday, October 31, 2010

The-Chicken-In-The-Handbag Dodge

E.: MMMMMAAAARRRRCCCC! I was stopped by the cop last night! I was on I-80 and the cop came up behind me and he turned on his lights, and said on a loudspeaker "Exit on Madison!" So I exited on Madison. Then he said: "Turn right!" So I turned right. Then he said: "Turn right again!" So, I turned right again, and parked!

M.: What did the cop want?

E.: He looked at my license and insurance, then said he stopped me because I was weaving.

M.: Why were you weaving? Were you under the influence?

E.: I only had two glasses of wine. I told him "Sorry, officer, I was trying to get something out of my handbag." And it's true: I had some chicken in the handbag that I was going to snack on. So, he let me go....

M.: Two glasses? Did he make you take a breathalyzer test?

E.: No.

M.: You are lucky! You probably wouldn't have passed a breathalyzer test having had two drinks.

E.: Four, actually.

M.: Four glasses? Then you are very, very lucky!

E.: I know! I guess I shouldn't do that again. Is there anything he can do to me now?

M.: No, but you've got to be careful!

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