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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

One Way To Make The Homeless Guys Go Ballistic

I was startled by a commotion ahead of me while driving south on 19th, and approaching Broadway. A westbound car on Broadway had turned right onto 19th: heading the wrong way on a one-way street! The vehicle rolled to a stop as I passed by, and, in turn, I came to a stop for the traffic light at Broadway.

Meanwhile, a homeless man was sitting; parked on the sidewalk just north of Broadway on 19th. As I waited for the light, I listened as the fellow launched on a tirade against the one-way driver. The fellow seemed to be inebriated - he didn't try to stand up - and his rant made me think he was from out-of-state:
Hey you! This is a one-way street! A one-way street! Who do you think you are? Every f****** idiot in this town knows this is a one-way street! Where are you from? ARE YOU FROM CALIFORNIA?

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