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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Losing Access To More YPT Pictures

Since 2002, when I started this blog, I've been given conditional access to photograph many of DMTC's YPT performances, based on fragile understandings associated with me being DMTC archivist. I have shared these photos via this blog, but kept constantly in mind that I could lose access at any time, depending on the state-of-mind of the YPT Board and parents.

These longstanding-but-fragile understandings now appear to be jeopardized by the current YPT Board's determination to enforce rules regarding no photographs of YPT performances: no exceptions permitted. So, I might not be able to share any more DMTC YPT photos, at least, not through this blog, or, at least, not at this time. It may be that an understanding will be reached some time in the future, however, but not yet. So, no "Grease" photos.

Part of the reason I shared these photos was that YPT shows need promotion, and the Internet was a good way to carry that process out. In a time of retrenchment, newspapers could no longer be relied upon to carry out that function. People had to do their own promotion and discussion.

With the evolution and maturation of Web Sites like Facebook, it may be only natural that folks involved in the YPT take back full control of the promotion process. It's a natural evolution.

In any event, I'm a bit miffed by all this, and I think I'll go outside and yell at Jupiter, or something. They say it's about as bright as it will ever get in my lifetime!

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