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Thursday, September 02, 2010

Karaoke At Scarlets, In Folsom's Powerhouse Pub

Jetta wanted to participate in the karaoke contest at Scarlets, part of the Powerhouse Pub structure in Folsom. The grand prize is $1,000.00. I thought it sounded like fun, so I went too.

The crowd there was mostly in their 20's, or 30's. It was a warm and inviting crowd.

There was lots of nighttime construction in Folsom, particularly at Sutter and Riley Streets, where the Powerhouse Pub is located.

Usually, it's the young women that distract young males in bars of this sort, but on this night, there was plenty of heavy equipment too.

The karaoke contest featured secret judges. Jetta like this innovation, because it limited the inevitable sucking up people do to twist the fates of contests. She got a 15 out of 25; not bad, but not the best. I recorded her performance.

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