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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Improv Group Cull

Since December, 2008, I've been attending the Tuesday evening Improv Workshop, hosted by Michael Rowe, at the William Geery Theatre in Midtown Sacramento. It's been a lot of fun, and I met some interesting people.

Nevertheless, for the last year, attendance has been down. The solution is simple enough - better advertising - but Michael has been too busy to do that. The rest of us have done some advertising on our own, but only fitfully.

Last month, Michael's vehicle was broken into, and his poems were stolen. That broke his reverie: if he's going to publish poetry sometime in his lifetime, he'd better start working harder on that, right now. So, reluctantly, he dropped out of the group.

So, that left just three of us leaderless die-hards to carry on. If I had the ambition to do something with an Improv group, I could carry on, but I don't think I'm particularly talented in that vein, and I'm already over-committed at DMTC. So, unless someone out there has some time and energy, and is willing to pick up the group, then we should disband.

Over the last several decades, the number of small, theatrically-related groups has grown enormously in Sacramento. A cull is inevitable, and now we have this handy recession to help push the process along. Perhaps what is bad for the one group is better for all the others that remain.

At least, that's what they say on the Nature television shows.....

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