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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Good Dancing

Courtesy of Noel, some serious biometric analysis:
Scientists say they've carried out the first rigorous analysis of dance moves that make men attractive to women.

..."When you go out to clubs people have an intuitive understanding of what makes a good and bad dancer," said co-author Dr Nick Neave, an evolutionary psychologist at Northumbria University, UK.

"What we've done for the very first time is put those things together with a biometric analysis so we can actually calculate very precisely the kinds of movements people focus on and associate them with women's ratings of male dancers."

..."We thought that people's arms and legs would be really important. The kind of expressive gestures the hands [make], for example. But in fact this was not the case," he said.

"We found that (women paid more attention to) the core body region: the torso, the neck, the head. It was not just the speed of the movements, it was also the variability of the movement. So someone who is twisting, bending, moving, nodding."

Movements that went down terribly were twitchy and repetitive - so called "Dad dancing".

..."In animals, the male has to be in good physical quality to carry out these movements. We think the same is happening in humans and certainly the guys that can put these movements together are going to be young and fit and healthy."
I'm seriously discouraged about the hands part, though. I put some work into that....

And I remember reminding Jetta about the time when she watched one of Pepper's classes, where I was aerobicizing. She blew soda out her nose and remarked how it was one of the funniest things she had ever seen, comparing me to a dancing Woody Allen.

It's probably those damned hands again....

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