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Monday, September 27, 2010

Controlling The Narrative Is Essential

And it's amusing when control breaks down:
Elements within the House Republican leadership "prearranged" an editorial in the National Review praising the GOP's "Pledge to America" manifesto, according to the Daily Caller, in an effort to counteract widespread conservative criticism of the document.

"Two high-level Republican sources" told the right-leaning Daily Caller's Jon Ward that Neil Bradley, a top aide to Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA), pulled strings with senior officials at the National Review Institute to get the editorial published.

...The September 22 editorial by the National Review, a conservative opinion magazine respected by elites, was published on the same day the document was released. Titled "We'll Take the Pledge," the editors effusively praised it as a manifesto that aims to diminish the size of government, increase accountability in Congress, and make America "more prosperous."

...The National Review editorial has raised some eyebrows because, for the most part, the 21-page "Pledge to America" has infuriated conservatives and tea partiers, who claim it lacks a courageous conservative vision and omits specific proposals to rein in the deficit and slash spending.

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