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Monday, August 23, 2010

Visit From The Past

Joe and I worked from morning to night on the porch repair. We finished many things, but there remains some bracing, and all the caulking, and most of the painting to go. We also took care of a few other problems too. Some slob left a hide-a-bed in the street next to my property when I was in NM at the end of July. We carted the ugly thing off to the dump.

Several curious people stopped to gaze. The most interesting people were a very old woman with a walker and a younger man (presumably her son) who stopped to pose for photos with our construction project in the background.

Turned out, the woman was named Connie Maguire, and she lived in my house from 1937 to 1939. They had a tiny yellowed photo showing two attractive women sitting on the steps to the front porch. Much was different; the brickwork on the steps was not the same and a hedge was in the photo that doesn't exist anymore, but the house next door was recognizable. Apparently they were compiling information suitable for a family history.

So charming and so touching!

(sent from my iPhone)

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