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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Top 10 Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories Include Leftie Conspiracy Theories Too

I wanted to see what the Top-10 right-wing conspiracy theories were, but found a few left-wing conspiracy theories too. (I found this a difficult Web Site to work with, and suspect a monitoring plot to report back on my keystrokes.)

For example, I've always thought of the chemtrails as a leftie worry, but the author clearly thinks they belong over on the right. In truth, it's a perfectly-ecumenical conspiracy theory, equally at home on both sides of the fence. There are virtually no other conspiracy theories for which that works as well!:
Who, exactly, is responsible for the program? There are conflicting schools of thought here as well. But among Patriot groups it is generally agreed that some alignment of New World Order lords -- sometimes referred to as the Illuminati -- is busy spraying cities and towns with pathogens. In the grimmest of the scenarios, the spraying represents the first of a two-stage depopulation program. Stage one involves spreading pathogens to weaken humanity's collective immune system; once general T-cell weakness is attained, goes the theory, we can expect aerial dispersal of smallpox or anthrax to finish us off.
Number 6 on the list, 9/11 conspiracy theories, also strikes me as an ecumenical worry:
Who was responsible? The U.S. government, of course. On the far left, the reason seen for attacking the American people was to justify a perpetual state of war; on the far right, it provided an excuse for the government to, at long last, institute a police state.
Several other of the conspiracy theories the author lists also seem to fall in an ideological gray zone (like this business about HAARP). Indeed, wherever and whenever technology mixes with secrecy, conspiracy theories proliferate. It matters little what one's political leanings are!

Still, the nation is happier when we all respond together to the same wacky concerns.

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