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Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Strange Dream About Modern Friendship

I had a peculiar dream this morning that seemed to illustrate the trouble we all have just scheduling our social lives.

I dreamt that fellow musical theater volunteer Scott Griffith was highly-irritated with me. The reason was that I made a request that threatened to disrupt his social calendar.

It seemed that I was lonely, and wanted a friend to accompany me on one of my favorite activities, walking the length of the Capital City Freeway. So, I approached someone I didn't know, a Mormon photography buff. Turned out, this Mormon photographer was also a close friend of Scott's through his Mormon model railroading activities. Scott called this fellow his 'wingman', and would sorely miss him if he went on a hike.

Apparently Mormon model railroading was only a sliver of Scott's other model railroading activities. Scott was apparently busy from morning till night with model railroading. Surely Scott could miss this fellow just for an afternoon, but Scott disagreed.

I was left feeling a bit sad by my dream, but also in awe of Scott's amazing social skills: his ability to keep up with model railroading, musical theater, and a dozen other activities that I wasn't even aware of. Scott was apparently a bionic social wonder! Who knew?

I decided the dream was commentary from my unconscious self about Facebook, 'friending', making friends, and friendship itself. And modern life too.

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