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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Resisting Temptation

(Yelling at the McDonald's Drive-Up Window order box)

Hello! HELLO! HELLO? (Honk horn) H-E-L-L-O! (Honk horn again)

(After several minutes, leaving car to walk over to the cash intake window)

(Bellowing) HELLO! HELLO!

(Two people inside acknowledge my presence, and tell each other the intercom device appears to be broken, but don't really say anything to me, and keep on doing whatever it is they are doing with the cash register.)

(Returning to car and yelling at the order box)

Hello! HELLO!

(Driving past the non-responsive drive-up window) Well, if I'm heading to aerobics in 45 minutes anyway, I may as well state there that I had been sorely tempted to indulge in fast food, but years of aerobics have made me more resistant to temptation, in general, and that I was able to follow the healthier route instead by flatly refusing the lure of McDonald's hamburgers.

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