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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Joe The Plumber Returns

For the last several years, Joe The Plumber saw his fortunes improve. He had his own house, had lots of money coming in, and had too many jobs to handle. As a result, I've seen him almost not at all for the last two years. Much, much better than back in the homeless days of the early 2000's!

But as the recession has lengthened, the jobs became scarcer and scarcer. So, it's back to lean times again. I ran into him at the post office two days ago. He was passing out fliers advertising his services. He and his Labrador Retriever Bela came over and helped me with my kitchen drain (it was making too much of a gurgling sound as a result of grease buildup in the pipes).

Nevertheless, I very much need the top surface of my front porch replaced. He's available.... He's thrifty.... I'm thrifty.... He needs the work.... He makes E. anxious and apprehensive....

OK, I'll do it! Starting tomorrow!

What worries me are the things we don't know about porch. Once the lumber comes off, ignorance becomes knowledge, and as we all know, ignorance is bliss!

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