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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Interesting Albuquerque-Area Signs

Left: Foxes Booze 'N Cruise rules East Central Avenue! This is among my favorite Albuquerque business signs, because it just radiates class!

Apologies for the lack of posting activity this week. Work has been busy. Plus, I've been working on a Big List of "Breaking Bad" filming locations, and that's taking time too.

Nevertheless, here are some interesting business storefronts, murals, and signs from the Albuquerque area. The Duke City is unusually rich in strange and puzzling signs.

Left: "Not Responsible". Be careful using Bernalillo's Range Cafe's parking lot!

Left: No Holds Barred Fighting Gym. And don't you dare complain about it, either! You won't even know what hit you!

Left: Bernalillo's 'Economy Gym', for the thrifty no-holds barred fighter!

Left: Custom Tatoo.

Left: Absolutely Neon.

Left: The 66 Diner.

Left: At the ballpark, keep your eyes peeled!

Left: New Mexico's Best Fish Taxidermy. In a state that has almost no surface water, and thus few fish, you deserve the very best!

Left: Justice Systems. Why hold on to the Constitution when you can have Systems Analysis?

Left: Midnight Rodeo.

Left: I think this store on Central Avenue in the Nob Hill section of Albuquerque sells masks, but its hard to tell with the bedazzling mural.

Left: Birdland sells costumes.

Left: The Atomic Cantina.

Left: Commemorative Albuquerque Tricentennial manhole cover.

Left: The Coyote Cafe in Santa Fe has ambitious hopes for its rooftop bar.

Left: "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable". An ominous flyer on a Santa Fe lamppost.

Left: Check Out Our Guns!

Left: Ray's Unique Bingo Supplies.

Left: The Kosmos Cafe.

Left: Bail Bonds. Like the yellow sign states, "Cuz jail sucks!"

Left: Mural at the South Valley Economic Development Center.

Left: This brilliant mural is on the side of a convenience store just west of the Rio Grande River on Bridge Blvd.

Left: Hair care and nails for just about everyone! And yes, they are open for business!

Left: The Indigo Crow Cafe in Corrales.

Left: "God Es Amor".

Left: Beautiful Albuquerque summer sky. Like the sign says, "God Es Amor".

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