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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Doing My Part To Keep Entropy From Increasing

Today, I had a large, uninterrupted block of time, so I vowed to start a painting job on my house. I did not want to paint the entire house, but there are three places that I have to do something before the rainy season - the paint is peeling so bad:
  • west side of the garage, particularly near the ground;
  • both sides, and the crumbling top, of the front porch;
  • east side of my bedroom, above the tool shed.

Nine years ago, when Joe the Plumber assembled his crack team of Homeless Painters, house painting was much more exciting: the fights, the chaos, the bad faith. This year is much more tedious, but I get to do the job at my own deliberate pace, and I get to do it right, for a change. I miss the fun, but it's better this way....

Today, I finished the first must-do job (and it took me all day too).

Out front, the top of the porch is a mess, and needs replacing, but this year, there is no money, so paint will have to do. (I worry about people stepping through the crumbling wood, so I have to make it resistant to all but the most accident-prone visitors). Today, I started working on that.

Gotta finish before November 1st: for me, the offical start of the California rainy season!

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