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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Cull

Tonight about 9:00 p.m., I was heading west along 2nd Street in Davis, heading towards DMTC. Suddenly the car in front of me weaved. Abruptly, a baby rabbit ran directly in front of me, and stopped. No time! I tried to straddle the bunny with my wheels....

Clunk. Thud.

Poor bunny must have reversed course at the last instant.

So, reluctantly, I circled back. After waiting for several cars to pass by, I got out and picked up the warm corpse and took it to the side of the road, leaving it where the crows will be able to feast without worrying about cars. A lot there for the birds too - I pretty-much disemboweled the creature.

Well, it could be worse. On Facebook, Giorggio just posted about hitting a deer while on his honeymoon. Rabbits do a lot less damage....

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