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Saturday, August 07, 2010

29th Annual Sierra Dinner

This year's Sierra Research dinner was held at Mulvaney's at 19th & L St. (I've never been there before). Pleasant and enjoyable company!

This year marks twenty years employed by Sierra Research, and the company kindly rewarded me with $2,000.00 for my service, and an extra week of vacation.

Since my hours were cut back last year I've had trouble 'living large' as would normally be my fashion, so this extra boost of cash is welcome. I am thinking about taking a cruise later this year (on account of having been kindly invited to attend Lauren M. and Mark E.'s forthcoming wedding aboard the Princess Sapphire somewhere off the west coast of Baja California).

I've never been on a cruise. Jetta says they are boring, with nothing to do but eat large meals and stare at the horizon for a week, but surely thousands of people packed on a boat can find something to do.

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