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Sunday, August 29, 2010

100 Decibels

Today, I continued working on the front porch. I managed to prime it for painting before sunset arrived. Meanwhile, Joe the Plumber, who helped build the back porch in 2007, thought the back porch was aging faster than he liked, and so he's bracing it up, and preparing it for subsequent painting.

Tonight, it's quieter than usual near where I work; what's become almost a nightclub district, in Midtown Sacramento. Two weeks ago, during the 'Second Saturday' artwalk, the area became a complete zoo, and was filled with drunken pedestrians.

As I drove home two weeks ago during 'Second Saturday', I crossed J Street at 19th Street, through a throng of people gathered near the Plum Blossom restaurant at the corner. It was 2 a.m.: bar-closing time. I could see several young women shouting vigorously at people across the street. What were they shouting? I decided to roll down my car's window as I passed by, so I could hear what was on the minds of Sacramento's young women on J Street at 2 a.m.

As I passed by, I caught her emphatic statement at full, 100 decibel, jet-engine volume: "F*** YOU!"

Reminds me a lot of when I was her age....

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