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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Timely State Fair Warning

After vigorous and fun aerobics this evening, Pepper Von issued a sort of warning:
I don't want you to hear, see, taste, smell, or feel anything at the State Fair these next two weeks that even faintly resembles deep-fried chocolate!
I quickly asked:
Even if food prices have been reduced by 25% this year?
Pepper nodded, and replied:
Not after all your hard work here!
As I walked out, he was telling someone else something to the effect:
Here we are, kicking our health care system down - a system we already can't afford, etc., etc., etc.
Afterwords, I drove over to DQ for a treat, and pondered Pepper's words. After a trip to Target, I stopped over at KFC for a bite to eat, and once again pondered Pepper's words.

Yeah, can't be too careful around that State Fair!

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