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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tayla Storm Appeal

I remember I once had a boss who very much wanted to emigrate to New Zealand, but worried his back problems might prevent him from doing so. New Zealand has excellent public health services, but since it's just a small country in a very big world, Kiwis worried obsessively about old, ill, decrepit people moving there from all over the world just to take advantage of their public health services. Kiwis didn't mind immigrants arriving on their shores - provided they were young, slim, healthy, self-sufficient people unlikely to need much medical care. In particular, Kiwis wanted people with good teeth.

So, this story hits every single button likely to agitate a Kiwi: a young, uninsured tourist arrives, contracts a debilitating disease, and lingers in the hospital for months before passing away:
South African tourist Tayla Storm has lost her battle against a deadly bug that struck her down in the middle of her first overseas trip.

The 29-year-old died in Auckland City Hospital yesterday, nearly five months after she excitedly arrived in New Zealand to meet her sister's newborn baby for the first time.

The childcare student, who didn't have travel insurance, was six weeks into her trip when she experienced an intense pain in her upper thigh.

She was rushed to hospital, where doctors found a Staphylococcus aureus infection had poisoned the blood, triggering a massive organ failure.

Despite predictions that she was unlikely to survive that night, Miss Storm battled bravely during the past few months - so much so that just two weeks ago, doctors were discussing rehabilitation and plans for her to be home by Christmas.

But the infection returned last week and because her immune system was so weakened from all her treatment, nothing else could be done for her.

...Plans are now under way for a funeral service and cremation this week. Miss Storm's ashes will then be divided - half will stay in New Zealand and half will be returned to her mother in South Africa.

..."However, the largest medical bill [for Auckland City Hospital], which is over $300,000, remains unpaid. We are hoping to continue fundraising to try to get as much of this paid as possible."

..."It's sensitive to be commenting on financial matters right now and we will be in contact with Tayla's family at a more appropriate time."

A spokesman told the Herald last week that the hospital usually tried to recover outstanding bills from a deceased person's estate. At times, that meant the next-of-kin or other family.

Donations to the Tayla Storm Appeal Account, which has raised nearly $7000 dollars, can be made at any BNZ or online into the account 02-0108-0163899-000.

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