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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Public Enemies - Looking For More

I was sitting around counting DMTC money Monday evening, and thought: what would apropos to watch on video, looking at these stacks of one dollar bills? Why not Public Enemies, starring Johnny Depp, Marion Cotillard, and Christian Bale?

I was interested in this movie for twoo very narrow reasons.

First, my friend Nancy Obern was an extra in the movie (in the nightclub scenes). She was unhappy that she couldn't see herself on screen at the cinema. Could I see her on DVD? Answer: no.

Second, John Dillinger was arrested at the house across from the street from where I lived when I lived in Tucson. Was that house in the movie? Sadly, no. They grossly oversimplified Tucson's Congress Hotel story. Too bad.... It's an only-in-America-in-the Thirties kind of tale that fascinates to this day.

Depp's spoken accent was a little too clipped for my taste. Otherwise, an interesting movie....

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