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Friday, July 02, 2010

If I Were A Celebrity

I don't even know if this is true, but it would be the sort of thing that would happen if I were a celebrity:
Ok, let’s do some imagining. Picture this: you’re in London, partying at a hotel, having a good ol’ time, and then a beautiful woman approaches you. When the woman gets close enough, you realize that she is not an ordinary beautiful woman, but she is actually Rihanna, famed musical artist and general big deal! While you’re still trying to process this, Rihanna asks you to go to a club with her. Do you:

A) Say yes and spend the evening kicking mad game at Rihanna

B) Say yes and spend the evening creeping on Rihanna

C) Say no and spend the evening being a total dumbass because you said no to Rihanna

If you are Sean Kingston, the answer is C. When Rihanna asked him to take her out to a club, Sean said no because he didn’t have any clothes ironed.

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