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Monday, July 12, 2010

Damsel In Distress

M: You look distressed. What's wrong?

E.: [My boyfriend] acts strange. Last week, at the cabin on Lake Minden, I got so tired - so tired! So, I took a nap, in the upstairs bedroom of the cabin. He was downstairs in the kitchen and he decided to heat up some beans, so he put the beans on the stove and put the burner on. Then he went outside, to the end of where the wood goes out over the water - ?

M.: The boat dock.

E.: The boat dock, where he started fishing and forgot all about the beans. So, the beans overheated and the liquid overflowed and the liquid got on the burner and started burning and the cabin filled up with smoke and the smoke alarm went off and I woke up, so sleepy! And the cabin was filled with smoke, and I panicked and so I opened the window and saw him on the dock down below and I screamed "Help! Help! The beans overheated and the liquid overflowed and the liquid got on the burner and started burning and the cabin filled up with smoke and the smoke alarm went off and I woke up, so sleepy!"

M.: And so what happened then?

E.: Nothing. He just looked at me and froze.

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