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Sunday, July 18, 2010

"Curtains" - Runaway Stage Productions

Left: Michael McElroy.

I joined up with the DMTC crew on Saturday night at the 24th Street Theatre to see Runaway Stage Production's (RSP's) "Curtains." A fine show!

More to come. First impressions. I was struck how, despite a very-skilled and experienced cast, two players were doing their level-best to steal the show: Michael (MikeMac) McElroy, and Kris Farhood.

MikeMac's inspiration for his character was a character named Darren Nichols on a Canadian TV show called "Slings and Arrows". MikeMac has mentioned before how much he liked that TV show (I haven't seen it), and his character really stood out!

Meanwhile, Kris Farhood is a fine dancer, but acting level took a major step up for this show. This is the best I've ever seen her do!

Everyone did a fine job on a sometimes-cramped stage: Andrea St. Clair, Darryl Strohl, Lillian Baxter particularly.


Left: Andrea St. Clair.

Below: Kris Farhood.

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