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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bobby Jindal Inveighs Against Deep Water Drilling Moratorium

I'm on an E-Mail list that covers mostly-conservative politics, mostly in Louisiana. Today, I received an update, looked, and predictably got bent out of shape. This video is Part I: Part II is here.

If jobs are so important to Louisianans, then why let BP, or anyone, drill without anything approaching adequate safety regulations? They don't do that in Norway or Canada. Why is it OK in the Gulf of Mexico?

The jobs Louisianans lose because of the deep water drilling moratorium are jobs they damned-well deserved to lose. If 50,000 arsonists are employed in the state of Louisiana, should I be upset if the Feds stepped in and deprived them of their jobs? Let the unemployed file a claim with BP - it's safer.

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