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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bernalillo Relatives

On Saturday, I got off to a particularly late start. There wasn't any clear direction what to do on this weekend day.

After having trouble contacting Cousin Fred, my sister Michelle and I decided to visit Cousins Max and Lucia, who live in Sandia Pueblo. We travelled there, but they weren't home, so we travelled instead to Aunt Senaida's place in Bernalillo.

Aunt Senaida reached the 90-year-old mark last February, and she is still going strong. She is now the last of her generation left in our family. When we mentioned that we didn't know where Cousins Ernie and Mary lived, she suggested that we go around the corner and visit their home.

We saw Cousin Phil, plus the affable half-pitbull Polly, terrier Princess, and extremely-nervous Chihuahua Bela. Cousin Yvonne was out of town, but she left her two-year-old daughter Destiny in the care of her parents Ernie and Mary. Destiny had the sweetest smile and disposition, and soon I was playing what amounted to air hockey with her: she had the green plastic dolphin and I had the brown plastic hairband. We played for more than a very pleasant hour on the living room table.

Eventually, we bade adieu, and travelled into downtown Bernalillo to eat at the acclaimed Range Cafe. Excellent food! On the way back to Albuquerque, we passed by Cousin Max & Lucia's again, but they still weren't home.

Powerful thunderstorms are now raking the Albuquerque metro area....

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