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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Worried, Corrupt Judges Say "Keep Drilling!"

Moratorium is blocked:
The Justice Department says in court papers that Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has instructed all employees to not take any action to enforce the moratorium. It also says the department is sending letters to operators who received notices of suspension that those notices have no legal effect at this time.
All these judges who own oil stocks! Corrupt!

(Which reminds me - some of the mutual funds I own as part of of my company's 401K are invested in oil.... Corrupt!)

What was I saying? Yes! Now, the question of deep-sea oil drilling falls into the regulatory regime, where all kinds of things can happen to it.

Mobilize the environmentalist lawyers!

[Update: According to conservative sources, the particular judge in question has no conflict-of-interest and is now receiving death threats. Interesting. Nevertheless, if even liberal bloggers like myself have a conflict-of-interest, I think it's highly-likely almost everyone involved has a conflict-of-interest. Like they say, money talks! And regarding death threats, no surprise there! Ruining an entire way of life for hundreds of thousands of people, and making sure it stays ruined forever, is a pretty good way to get the death threats coming!]

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