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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tropical Storm Alex Won't Impede Oil Spill Containment Efforts

It's pretty clear Tropical Storm Alex is heading into Mexico somewhere south of Matamoros, so oil spill containment efforts should be uninterrupted in the near-term.

Nevertheless, the hurricane season is just beginning to really get going, and so other opportunities to really get things messed up will present themselves. Finish those relief wells, ASAP!

I've never thought they'd be able to avoid surface oil coming ashore along the northern Gulf of Mexico. The onshore winds are just too strong there. And all the vast surface oil slicks are out there still, waiting to come ashore, and they will do so, in their time.

And where is the subterranean oil going? Not heading out the Loop Current - not yet. Not quite yet. It's all still there, though, lurking underwater....

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