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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Scrub Jays Still Hanging Around

I awoke to the sound of juvenile Scrub Jays getting fed by their parents. So, the Scrub Jay family is lingering nearby, despite my removing their injured family member. Maybe they were always nearby. I still don't know where their nest is. Maybe next door?

This morning I set out some banana for them. They like banana! I knew they were watching me too. I could hear them in the hedges. Then, as a diversion for the other birds, I went to set out the normal seed for the doves, pigeons, etc.

Nevertheless, as I left, the Scrub Jays zoomed in for the seed. You can lead horses to water, but you can't make them drink, I suppose!

No, maybe that behavior makes sense after all. They can get to the best seeds first, before any of the other birds. And they are the only ones who paid attention when I laid out the banana, so they can get that too. Scrub Jays are smart!

My call to the WCA to learn the fate of Bird #95998 went to voicemail, with no return call. Maybe I'll never know. WCA's focus is on bird support, not on people support....

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