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Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I just finished watching "Breaking Bad" Season 3 episode: "Fly".

Reminds me of a story.

In January, 1975, I escorted a brand-new student at New Mexico Tech, a Pakistani named Ali, all around the campus. It was his first day in America, and he was excited to tour his new home.

On the west side of campus, we looked inside some new buildings. Inside one room, a fly buzzed hopelessly against a window, trying to escape outside.

Ali shuddered and said seeing the fly made him sad. Ali had grown up in East Pakistan (later Bangladesh), and in 1971 was forced to move to West Pakistan to escape the war. All his life, he had lived amongst flies. He had hoped that in an advanced country like the United States, perhaps there were no flies at all.

Another hope crushed....

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