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Sunday, May 16, 2010

E. Pays A Visit To The Auto Mechanic

E.: He is ESTOOPID! He is a FAT ASS! He is a CRIMINAL!

M.: Come on, he didn't know about the crack in the rubber fitting attached to the intake manifold. Otherwise, he would have returned the car when he said and everything would have been all right.

E.: Are you ESTOOPID? Can't you see what he is doing? He replaced the alternator because he wanted to steal the money. It's just like the casinos do, with their MegaMillions. He thinks because I am an Asian, a woman, an oriental, that he can just wrap me around his little finger....

M.: Why are you getting excited about the money? You have no money. That's why I have to pay for it.

E.: I will never take my car to that FAT ASS again! I spent $300 last year to have the service engine light go off so I could pass smog check. Now it's on again! HE broke the rubber fitting so he could get more money!

M.: But he was the same guy who fixed that previous service engine light problem by putting a hose clamp on the other hose that kept falling off the intake manifold in January.

E.: So he could get our trust so he could stick it to us later!

M.: The money he gets from fixing the alternator isn't enough to cover the aggravation. Besides, that hose fitting isn't supposed to need a hose clamp. With the years of heat and oil the rubber is falling apart up there on top of the intake manifold. The car is getting old. It's no surprise we would have more problems up there. You want some KFC?

E.: He is a CROOK!

M.: He's a nice guy. He took time from his day off to help you.

E.: But he didn't have the car ready!

M.: Because he didn't know about the cracked rubber fitting.

E.: He sabotaged the rubber fitting!

(Turning at the corner, we momentarily stopped at the light. At the corner, a family was walking their dog. The wife loudly praised the Rottweiler for heeling on command. Responding to her loud voice, E. shot her a look, and said...)

E.: Another CROOK!

M.: He's a nice guy!

E.: Next time I see him I'm going to shoot his FAT ASS with a BB gun!

M.: A BB gun? He's a big guy. Frankly, with those overalls, I don't think he'd even notice....

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