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Thursday, April 08, 2010

Time For The Climatologist/Meteorologist Gladiators!

Anna at newsy.com sends a nice note:
I was reading your post about the climatologist/meteorologist debate, and I thought you might be interested in this video.

Like your weblog, the video points out the influence of TV weathermen and women. It also presents different opinions from both sides of the debate, but it goes beyond that to ask why are there these differences. I hope you might consider embedding this video in your blog.

Newsy is a site that collects information from news outlets across the web and television. It covers everything from U.S. politics to environmental news. The site weeds out bias in the media and allows viewers to make their own opinions about leading headlines.
There is no inherent conflict between meteorology and climatology (there had better not be!) Nevertheless, since weather is part of news and news is apparently part of entertainment these days, perhaps we had better stage a fight, just for show. Like professional wrestlers, no one gets (seriously) hurt. I picture something like Mexican Midget Wrestling, or the like.

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