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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Magic Circle Exit; Enter Civic Theatre West

The Roseville theater relaunches itself.

Which reminds me; I just bought a semi-season ticket, or whatever they call it, with the Magic Circle folks. Presumably the ticket will continue to be honored until September, when it's supposed to expire.:
Curtain down on Magic Circle Theatre and throw a hot spotlight on Civic Theatre West.

The nonprofit Roseville community theater, founded in 1987 by Bob and Rosemarie Gerould, has changed its name and its mission.

Civic West board president Calvin Stevens said the organization began re- examining its vision and goals last summer. The theater decided to rebrand itself after input from a task force made up of community, staff and board members.

"The impulse was really to answer the questions: What is our vision? What are we in business to do?" Stevens said.

The theater's new mission statement is "to entertain, engage and educate through inspired theater experiences that enrich the cultural lives of Northern Californians, serve as a magnet for diverse community involvement and encourage lifelong participation in the arts."

Civic Theatre West is the second-largest community theater in California, operating two performance spaces in Roseville – the Roseville Theatre and the Tower Theatre – with an annual operating budget of $1.1 million. There are 16 employees, and eight work for the organization full time. Civic Theatre West also has the largest children's theater workshop in the state and more than 1,200 subscribers for its current season.

...Civic Theatre West has undergone significant changes since last year, when the board of directors chose not to renew the contracts of the Geroulds, who had run the theater since founding it. Brent Null, who was president of the board at that time, is now the artistic director.

Last year, Null said, "We need to bring in new management and that's what we're going to do. I have no desire to be in charge of theater."

Apparently, he had a change of heart.

Stevens, who took over as board president last fall, said, it "was an impulse of the theater" to ask Null to step into the artistic leadership role.

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