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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Heart Of Gold

The wheels of justice grind fine:
A NEW York City man dodged the threat of a 20-year prison sentence thanks to the kindness of a porn star.

Carlos Simon-Timmerman, a pizza delivery man from Brooklyn, was put on trial in Puerto Rico for allegedly transporting child pornography, the New York Post said today.

US customs agents found a dirty DVD called Little Lupe the Innocent in his bags as he passed through San Juan Airport security in Puerto Rico on his way back to New York.

The agents said the actress in the video, porn star Lupe Fuentes, was underage, and they arrested him.

But Mr Simon-Timmerman was sprung earlier this month after Ms Fuentes flew to Puerto Rico and proved in court that she was 19 at the time the film was made.

...At his trial this month, a pediatrician insisted Lupe Fuentes was underage.

But that was before Mr Simon-Timmerman was able to put "Little Lupe" - a Spanish native whose real name is Zuleydy Piedrahita - on the stand, where she produced her passport and photo ID.

His lawyer, Hector Ramos-Vega, said he tracked her down through her website and persuaded her to appear in court.

She asked for no money and was enthusiastic about helping, Mr Ramos-Vega said.

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